Wikipedia - WBC Spartak Noginsk

WBC Spartak Noginsk is a Russian women's basketball club from Noginsk, Moscow Oblast founded in 1949. During the Soviet era it was the women's basketball section of Spartak Moscow. The team between 1977 and 1982 won three Ronchetti Cups and one Soviet Championship. It played one further Ronchetti Cup final in 1983, and it was the championship's runner-up in seven occasions between 1968 and 1982, second to Daugava Riga.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union the team was relocated from Moscow to nearby Podolsk and changed its name, competing in the new Russian Premier League as Concern Podolsk. In 1997 it settled in Noginsk, changing its name to Spartakademklub, which was subsequently shortened to Spartak. Since 2009 it has been a regular of the FIBA Eurocup.

斯巴達 女子籃球俱樂部,簡稱 SPARTA&K MO,是位於莫斯科的一家女子籃球俱樂部。該俱樂部成立於1935年,是俄羅斯最古老的女子籃球俱樂部之一。斯巴達女子隊曾18次獲得俄羅斯女子籃球超級聯賽冠軍,是該項賽事的紀錄保持者。該俱樂部還曾獲得過6次俄羅斯女子籃球盃冠軍和3次歐洲女子籃球聯賽冠軍。斯巴達女子隊的主場是莫斯科斯巴達運動宮,該場館可容納13,000名觀眾。俱樂部的主教练是維克多·蓋達舍維奇,他是俄羅斯著名籃球教練,曾帶領俄羅斯女子籃球隊獲得過2012年倫敦奧運會銅牌。斯巴達女子隊陣容中有許多俄羅斯國手,包括隊長瑪麗亞·瓦德別索娃、中鋒娜塔莉亞·維耶爾德和前鋒伊琳娜·貝格利亞科娃。斯巴達女子隊是俄羅斯籃壇的一支勁旅,在國內和歐洲賽場上都有著出色的表現。