BC Sirius Mureșul Târgu Mureș, is a Romanian women basketball club based in Târgu Mureș, which currently participates in the Liga Națională, the top-tier league in Romania. The team founded as BC Sirius in 2007 was moved in the summer of 2018 to the sports club of Municipality of Târgu Mureș and was renamed as CSM Târgu Mureș. However, it was rebranded back to its original form one year later, following financial mismanagement by the local authorities.



塔古莫勒斯女子籃球隊陣容強大,擁有多名國手,其中包括羅馬尼亞國家隊隊長馬琳娜·金塔納(Mădălina Călin)。球隊主帥是喬治·坦納塞(George Tănase),他曾帶領球隊獲得過多次聯賽冠軍和杯賽冠軍。
