反恐精英:全球攻勢 - WePlay學院聯賽

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The WePlay Academy League is a series of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) tournaments. The WePlay Academy League was introduced in 2021 and held by WePlay Holding (CEO – Oleh Humeniuk), also known for such events as the WePlay Bukovel Minor 2020, WePlay Dragon Temple, OMEGA League, and WePlay AniMajor. The main goal of the tournament is to establish standards for the CS:GO discipline to nurture new talents.


The esports league is supported by leading CS:GO organizations, including Natus Vincere, Astralis, Ninjas in Pajamas, MOUZ, Virtus.pro, Fnatic, and others. Eight teams took part in each of the seasons.

WePlay Holding streams all games in English and Russian. Besides, the Playoff Stage takes place offline at the WePlay Esports Arena Kyiv to provide young players with a real onstage experience.

Season 1 had a peak of 28,429 and Season 2 had a peak of 20,463 concurrent viewers, according to Esports Charts.

「反恐精英:全球攻勢 - WePlay學院聯賽」是一個精彩刺激的電子競技比賽,專為「反恐精英:全球攻勢」遊戲的學院選手而設。這個比賽由WePlay Esports主辦,旨在提供一個平台,讓年輕的電競愛好者能夠展示他們的技巧和才華。



「反恐精英:全球攻勢 - WePlay學院聯賽」將為選手和觀眾帶來一個難忘的電競體驗。無論是對於選手來說,這是一個展示他們技術的舞台,還是對於觀眾來說,這是一個欣賞高水平比賽的機會,這場比賽都將帶來無盡的刺激和樂趣。