Wikipedia - Nationale 1 (Senegal)

The Nationale 1 Masculin (abbreviated as NM1; in English: National 1 Men) is the highest professional basketball league in Senegal. Established in 1971, the league consists of 16 teams.

Each season is finished with a final in a single-game elimination format, held at the Marius Ndiaye Stadium in Dakar. AS Douanes is the most successful team in NM1 history with 11 won titles.

The champions of the NM1 qualify directly for the regular season of the Basketball Africa League (BAL), the premiere continental league. The bottom two teams are relegated to the second division Nationale 2.

塞內加爾Division 1籃球錦標賽是塞內加爾最高級別的籃球聯賽,也是該國最受矚目的籃球賽事之一。該錦標賽吸引了來自全國各地的頂尖球隊參賽,為球迷們帶來了精彩紛呈的比賽。


塞內加爾Division 1錦標賽的比賽水平非常高,球隊們展現出出色的技巧、速度和戰術。這些球隊由塞內加爾國內最優秀的籃球運動員組成,他們在場上展現出卓越的籃球才能,為觀眾們帶來了一場場精彩的對決。

這項比賽的冠軍隊伍將獲得塞內加爾Division 1的榮譽稱號,並有機會代表塞內加爾參加國際籃球賽事。這不僅是球隊們爭奪榮譽的舞台,也是球員們展現自己才華的舞台。

塞內加爾Division 1籃球錦標賽不僅是一場籃球比賽,更是一個凝聚了塞內加爾籃球愛好者的盛會。這項賽事不僅提供了觀賽的機會,也為球迷們帶來了無盡的激情和娛樂。無論是球迷還是球員,都能在這場比賽中感受到籃球運動的魅力和激情。