歐洲錦標賽 2021


The 2021 Cazoo European Championship was the fourteenth edition of the Professional Darts Corporation's European Championship tournament, which saw the top players from the two European tour events compete against each other. The tournament took place from 14 to 17 October 2021 at the Salzburgarena in Salzburg, Austria.

Peter Wright was the defending champion, having won the tournament for the first time with an 11–4 win over James Wade in the 2020 final. However, he became the third consecutive defending champion to be eliminated in the first round after losing 6–3 to Florian Hempel.

Rob Cross won his second European Championship title after defeating Michael van Gerwen 11–8 in a repeat of the 2017 final.

In the quarter-finals, Gerwyn Price's average of 107.56 against van Gerwen became the highest ever losing average at a European Championship.

歐洲錦標賽 2021 是一場傳統飛鏢比賽,將在歐洲舉行。這場比賽將吸引來自歐洲各地的頂尖飛鏢選手參加,他們將在這場激烈的競爭中展示他們的技巧和實力。



歐洲錦標賽 2021 將成為飛鏢界的一個重要盛事,不僅將展示出歐洲頂尖飛鏢選手的實力,還將為觀眾們帶來一場難忘的體育盛宴。無論您是飛鏢愛好者還是對體育比賽感興趣的人,這場比賽都將給您帶來無盡的樂趣和刺激。