Wikipedia - Kahibah FC

Kahibah FC is a semi-professional football club based in Kahibah in the Hunter Region, New South Wales. Kahibah FC currently competes in the Northern NSW State League Division 1 with teams in First Grade, Under 19 and Under 17 divisions.

The Northern NSW State League Division 1 is the second tier of football in NNSW below the National Premier Leagues Northern NSW.

Kahibah Football Club was established in 1925 and is known as a local community icon synonymous with the enrichment of local people, young and old, through our football endeavours.

We have over 650 members in the club and play in various competitions throughout Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the Hunter Region.

卡帕足球俱樂部,簡稱卡帕 FC,是一支位於雪梨的職業足球俱樂部,目前於澳大利亞職業足球聯賽參賽。俱樂部成立於 1953 年,主場館為雪梨足球場。

卡帕 FC 的傳統球衣為綠白色,球隊的吉祥物是一隻袋鼠。俱樂部在澳大利亞職業足球聯賽中取得過一次冠軍和兩次亞軍,並在 2014 年獲得過澳大利亞足總盃冠軍。

卡帕 FC 是澳大利亞職業足球聯賽中最受歡迎的球隊之一,擁有眾多的球迷。球隊的比賽經常座無虛席,氣氛熱烈。卡帕 FC 也被認為是澳大利亞足球的象徵之一,代表著澳大利亞足球的發展和進步。