High Quality United FC, sometimes known as High Quality FC, is a Bhutanese football club based in Thimphu. The club currently operates only with youth selections, as the senior squad was disbanded prior to the 2022 season.


High Quality United first appeared in the 2017 Thimphu League, in which they won six games, lost seven, and drew once against the Bhutan U-19s with a score of 0–0. They finished their inaugural season in fifth place. As they did not place in the top 3, they did not qualify to the 2017 Bhutan National League, but they were not relegated and competed again in the 2018 Thimphu League.

不丹足球隊「閃電聯」是一支位於不丹廷布的職業足球俱樂部,目前參加不丹超級聯賽的比賽。該俱樂部成立於 2013 年,是廷布市的第一支職業足球俱樂部,也是不丹超級聯賽的創始成員之一。

閃電聯隊的主場位於廷布市的昌利米塘體育場,該體育場可容納 10,000 名觀眾。球隊的綽號為「閃電」,隊徽上也有一道閃電的圖案。

閃電聯隊在不丹超級聯賽中取得了不俗的成績,在 2013 年和 2014 年連續兩個賽季獲得聯賽冠軍。在亞洲足協盃中,閃電聯隊也取得了不錯的成績,在 2015 年和 2016 年連續兩個賽季晉級亞洲足協盃小組賽。

閃電聯隊陣容中擁有不丹國腳,其中包括隊長陳卓炯、前鋒喬丹·多吉和中場球員桑傑·耶謝爾。球隊的主教練是西班牙人胡安·卡洛斯·加西亞,他於 2016 年 1 月上任。
