Wikipedia - Kyetume FC

Kyetume FC is a football club from Mukono, Uganda currently playing in the Uganda Premier League.



With three months left in the 2018–19 FUFA Big League season, Kyetume FC hired coach Allen Kabonge on a three-month contract to push for promotion. Kabonge is best known for taking four different second division Ugandan sides to the top flight.

Kyetume eventually qualified for the FUFA Big League playoffs. Robert Ssentongo scored a hat trick for Kyetume in the promotion playoff finals, which the club won 4–1 over Kansai Plascon, earning them a spot in the Ugandan top flight for the first time in their history.

Kyetume hired George "Best" Nsinga to be their coach for the 2019–20 top flight season. Jackson Mayanja currently serves as their head coach.

凱土穆 FC 是一家位於烏干達的足球俱樂部,成立於 1952 年,總部設於烏干達首都坎帕拉。球隊目前參加烏干達足球超級聯賽,是烏干達最頂級的足球聯賽。

凱土穆 FC 是烏干達最成功的足球俱樂部之一,曾 13 次奪得烏干達足球超級聯賽冠軍,以及 10 次奪得烏干達盃冠軍。在非洲賽場上,球隊曾多次參加非洲冠軍聯賽和非洲聯盟盃,並在 2004 年晉級非洲冠軍聯賽四強。

凱土穆 FC 的主場是位於坎帕拉的納爾遜·曼德拉國家體育場,可容納 40,000 名觀眾。球隊的傳統球衣顏色是紅色和白色。

凱土穆 FC 的球員主要來自烏干達,但也有一些外籍球員。球隊的隊長是烏干達國腳西蒙·穆索克。其他著名球員包括約翰·莫蒂巴、托尼·馬魏卡和埃里克·薩基巴。

凱土穆 FC 是烏干達足球的驕傲,也是非洲足球界的一支勁旅。球隊一直致力於提高自己的競技水平,並希望在未來的比賽中取得更好的成績。