Wikipedia - SISU BK

SISU Basketball Klub is a Danish basketball club from Gentofte, Copenhagen founded in 1954. It takes its name from the Finnish term Sisu. It is the oldest basketball club in Denmark. Both the men's and women's teams still plays in the league's premier championships. The men's team most recent success was reaching the 2000–01 championship's final rounds, where it lost against Forest Hill, while the women's team has resurfaced as a leading force in recent years, winning two doubles in 2011 and 2012 and playing the FIBA Eurocup.

SISU has also been known as a club with a large and well-functioning youth section with development opportunities for young players in the sport. The Youth Division brings new players to elite teams and the wins youth championships each year. The club has around 400 members, including 300 in the youth section.

丹麥女子籃球俱樂部「SISU 女子」是一支有著悠久歷史和輝煌成績的球隊。球隊成立於 1933 年,是丹麥最早成立的女子籃球俱樂部之一。俱樂部總部位於丹麥首都哥本哈根,主場館是「SISU 球場」。

「SISU 女子」在丹麥女子籃球聯賽中戰績不菲,曾多次奪冠。俱樂部還多次參加歐洲女子籃球聯賽,並取得了不俗的成績。在 2018-19 賽季,球隊獲得了歐洲女子籃球聯賽亞軍。

「SISU 女子」隊中擁有許多優秀的球員,包括丹麥國家隊成員艾米麗·彼得森、卡特琳娜·斯科夫加德和海琳·安德森。俱樂部還擁有來自世界各地的高水平外援,球隊陣容十分強大。

「SISU 女子」的打法以快速移動、犀利進攻和嚴密防守著稱。俱樂部注重團隊合作,每位球員都發揮著自己的作用。球隊在場上的表現十分令人印象深刻,經常打出精彩的比賽。

「SISU 女子」是丹麥女子籃球界的標誌性球隊,在丹麥和歐洲都享有很高的聲譽。俱樂部不僅在競技方面取得了成功,還積極推廣女子籃球運動,為丹麥籃球的發展做出了重要貢獻。