Burkina Faso Olympic football team represents Burkina Faso in international football competitions in Olympic Games. The selection is limited to players under the age of 23, except during the Olympic Games where the use of three overage players is allowed. The team is controlled by the Burkinabé Football Federation.

布基納法索 23 歲以下國家足球隊(法語:Équipe du Burkina Faso des moins de 23 ans de football)是布基納法索 23 歲以下的國家足球隊,由布基納法索足球協會管理。布基納法索 23 歲以下國家足球隊曾多次參加非洲國家盃,並在 2011 年獲得亞軍。布基納法索 23 歲以下國家足球隊也曾參加過奧運會,並在 2016 年獲得第四名。