Techtro Swades United FC

Techtro Swades United FC

Leagues Played
印度I聯賽2nd Division 1

Techtro Swades United Foofball Club is an Indian professional football club based in Una, Himachal Pradesh. The club currently competes in the Himachal Football League. The club was established on 29 August 2020, and began their first competitive season in the HFL.


The club was founded by Neeraj Kholiya, a football enthusiast who started his journey by creating a YouTube channel in 2014, where he reviewed tech products. Later, he decided to create content related to Indian Football. He formed Techtro Lucknow FC in 2019, which started competing in Lucknow Super Division. Techtro Swades United FC was established in order to expand the footballing landscape to a new state where potential footballers could get better opportunities.

In August 2020, Techtro Swades United was launched digitally and became the first ever professional football club from Himachal Pradesh. Minerva Academy became the strategic partner of the club. They appointed former head coach Surinder Singh as a technical director, and Yan Law was appointed as the first ever head coach.

They finished as runners-up in the first-ever edition of Himachal Football League, after losing 2–0 to Himachal FC in the final match. They earned the eligibility to play in 2020–21 season of I-League 2nd Division, however were not selected.

Their women's team finished as the Champions in the first-ever edition of Himachal Women's League 2021. Thus earning the eligibility to play in Indian Women's League.

印楝-斯瓦德斯聯隊 (Techtro Swades United FC) 是一支位於印度加爾各答的足球俱樂部,成立於 1949 年。他們參加印度足球甲級聯賽,這是印度足球的最高級別聯賽。

Techtro Swades United FC 的主場是加爾各答的鹽湖體育場,可容納 120,000 名觀眾。俱樂部的吉祥物是一隻老虎,其綽號是“虎軍”。

Techtro Swades United FC 的歷史可以追溯到 1949 年,當時它由一群熱愛足球的年輕人創立。俱樂部最初參加的是加爾各答地區的聯賽,並於 1952 年首次奪得聯賽冠軍。

1957 年,Techtro Swades United FC 晉升至印度足球甲級聯賽。在甲級聯賽的最初幾個賽季里,俱樂部一直處於中游位置。但在 1960 年代,Techtro Swades United FC 開始崛起,並在 1964 年首次奪得聯賽冠軍。

此後,Techtro Swades United FC 成為了印度足球的豪門球隊之一。他們一共獲得了 10 次聯賽冠軍,9 次印度足協盃冠軍,以及 3 次印度超級盃冠軍。

在國際比賽中,Techtro Swades United FC 也取得了不俗的成績。他們曾在 1962 年和 1983 年兩次打入亞洲俱樂部錦標賽的決賽,並分別獲得了亞軍和季軍。

近年來,Techtro Swades United FC 的成績有所下滑。他們在 2012 年降級至印度足球乙級聯賽,並在 2015 年才重新升級至甲級聯賽。

儘管如此,Techtro Swades United FC 仍然是印度足球最受歡迎的俱樂部之一。他們擁有眾多忠實的球迷,並在印度足球界享有很高的聲譽。