Head to Head

CS2 - CCT Central Europe 2022/08/25 08:00 Dynamo Eclot v Illuminar Gaming 2-0
CS:GO - 1xBet Series 2022/07/21 16:00 Dynamo Eclot v Illuminar Gaming 2-0
反恐精英:全球攻勢 - ESEA高階賽 2021/11/03 19:00 Illuminar Gaming v Dynamo Eclot 0-1

Home History

反恐精英2 - CCT北歐 2022/11/30 11:00 Illuminar Gaming v MASONIC 2-0
反恐精英2 - CCT北歐 2022/11/28 18:00 Illuminar Gaming v eSuba 1-2
反恐精英2 - CCT北歐 2022/11/26 18:00 Illuminar Gaming v 777 Esports 2-0
反恐精英2 - CCT北歐 2022/11/25 19:15 Illuminar Gaming v Into the Breach 0-2
反恐精英:全球攻勢 - 波蘭電競聯賽 2022/11/24 15:00 Illuminar Gaming v ThunderFlash 2-0
反恐精英2 - ESL波蘭錦標賽 2022/11/22 21:10 Ungentium v Illuminar Gaming 0-1
反恐精英:全球攻勢 - CCT北歐區預選賽 2022/11/21 18:00 Illuminar Gaming v GenOne 2-1
反恐精英2 - ESL波蘭錦標賽 2022/11/21 17:00 PALOMA v Illuminar Gaming 0-1

Away History

反恐精英:全球攻勢 - ESEA高階賽 2022/12/01 17:00 Dynamo Eclot v PACT 16-11
反恐精英:全球攻勢 - ESEA高階賽 2022/11/30 19:00 Dynamo Eclot v Beyond Possible 0-0
反恐精英2 - CCT北歐 2022/11/30 14:00 Dynamo Eclot v ECSTATIC 2-0
反恐精英:全球攻勢 - ESEA高階賽 2022/11/28 19:00 Nexus v Dynamo Eclot 16-14
反恐精英2 - CCT北歐 2022/11/28 15:00 AGO v Dynamo Eclot 2-0
反恐精英2 - CCT北歐 2022/11/27 18:00 Ex-Finest v Dynamo Eclot 2-0
反恐精英2 - CCT北歐 2022/11/24 12:00 Team Falcons v Dynamo Eclot 0-2
英雄聯盟 - Sigma盃 2022/11/19 14:00 Diamant Esports v Dynamo Eclot 3-1